Meetings were held in the Church Rooms, on the 3rd Thursday in the month, starting at 7:30pm. We are now looking for someone in the area to run the meetings. We have a number of speakers who are able to give interesting talks. All we are looking for is someone willing to arrange the meetings.
We also have all the archives stored in a database with key word catalogue access. Weekend Open Days are organised from time to time at various locations across the Blackdowns. We have a new web site storing all types of media of the Blackdown Hills area. Please look at:
The development of this web site and the expansion of the Archive activity plus the Open Days have been made possible with a grant from the Making it Local fund and the AONB office in Hemyock.
You can see the calendar on this site to see what is planned for future meetings.
The Archiving Project which has received a grant from the Sustainable Development Fund of the Blackdown Hills AONB has allowed the project to progress. An Image Library is being created of old photos and documents to be stored in a database so that specific requests can be answered by providing good quality prints. You can see some of the items we have archived in our Media Gallery on this site or visit
Various projects are run from time to time. The latest project was the writing and publishing of the book "The Upper Culm Valley before, during and after the First World War."
We also have a library of interesting historical books about the area. These are available if someone is researching a particular subject.
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Willand History Group was formed in 2001 with the objectives of (1) studying the history of our parish and its surrounding area, (2) collecting and preserving archive material, and (3) disseminating information through meetings, publications and other activities. It is a small and informal group (annual membership is £5) that currently meets ‘as required’ at Willand Village Hall to discuss ongoing projects, bring along new archive material and catch up on village gossip!
Members are encouraged to pursue their own research and interests or to join in with group activities, as they wish. Our most significant achievement has been publication of an illustrated history of the parish: The Book of Willand: From Doomsday to Millennium (Halsgrove, 2007). We have also held various ‘historical parish walks’, had a go at guided field walking, and held a number of exhibitions at the Village Hall, based on on-going research and material from the Willand Archive; themes from recent years include the First World War, family history, farming and artefacts unearthed by a local metal detectorist.
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Welcome to the website of Uffculme Local History Group. Here you will find lots of information about the history of Uffculme Parish and details of what is happening in the Local History Group. Please check the 'News' and 'Events' pages for recent updates, information about activities, outings and news items, including a copy of our regular article in Spotlight, the monthly magazine for Uffculme Parish.
We hope you enjoy visiting our website and look forward to welcoming you to our next meeting, whenever that may be in the present circumstances of the pandemic ... during this time while we have to postpone our regular programme of face-to-face events, we are posting extra content on this website to keep you in touch. We are also trying to include lots of information about online events hosted by other organisations which we hope you will find useful and interesting.
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We are a small but well-established amateur Archaeology group operating in the Tiverton area of Devon. We might be small…but we are very active and have members ranging from professional local Archaeologists to keen armchair enthusiasts. We are always open to new members. Everyone who joins our group is welcome to do as little or as much as they want. Some just enjoy coming to listen to our monthly talks, others also undertake fieldwork and excavation and/or join the club committee. You definitely don’t need to be super fit to join our group!
Our area of interest is by no means limited to Tiverton. Monthly talks (presented by experienced Archaeologists) can be about Archaeological research or excavation happening locally, regionally or worldwide. For fieldwork, we benefit from our mid Devon location. Members have been involved in the Exmoor Iron Project for the last four years and we currently have members volunteering on the Princesshay excavations in Exeter city centre.
This website is still very much under development. We hope to bring you more information about the projects we have been involved in and our members very soon. In the meantime, please email any questions to
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The Sampford Peverell Society is the local history group for the Parish, taking a broad view of what constitutes 'history'. Our interests cover the archaeology, buildings, social history, family histories and natural history of our rural Mid-Devon parish.
We always have several projects in progress, ranging from archaeological fieldwork, to producing publications, transcribing documents, nature conservation and putting on historically-themed events (see 'Projects' for further information). Our members, who number in excess of 70, are encouraged to get involved with whatever projects capture their interest.
We generally hold four meetings a year at which we have a guest speaker, and updates are given on the progress with project work. They are also social occasions! In additions, outings are arranged to places of interest, often being those only open to group visits.
Social Media:
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The Society was formed by David Edmund, and a number of residents on the 26th October 1981.
An enthusiastic local historian, David was an authority on the village as well as having a keen interest in many other historical topics, including Exeter's Theatre Royal.
Monthly meetings were originally held at The New Hall (until it was demolished), and then at the Silverton Primary School, with guest speakers when David was not giving the talk himself and he regularly illustrated these with slides from his large collection.
After David's death from Leukaemia in May 1993, when aged only 64, the Society continued under the leadership of Wilf and Joan Barnes. During 1998 a number of members decided to collate as much information as possible with the aim of publishing a book depicting village history. "The book of Silverton" an A4 hard back volume with 160 pages, priced at £19.95, was launched on November 1st 2000. 400 copies were sold prior to publication, and by December 2004 all remaining copies had also been sold.
Monthly meetings are now held in Silverton Millennium hall, on the third Monday of each month from March to November, with visiting speakers giving talks on a variety of historical and other subjects. These talks are advertised in the monthly Parish Magazine, which also contains an historical article aimed at sustaining an interest in the Society and the history of the parish.
In recent years the average attendance at the Society's monthly meetings has doubled from previously being in the region of twenty and membership now stands at over fifty.
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The Halberton History Group, formed in 2009, is based in the Twose Room at the Village Hall in Halberton, near Tiverton, Devon. We maintain a local archive of documents (both paper and virtual), hold regular meetings, organise visits to places of interest and arrange talks from visiting speakers.
On this site you will find information about the history of our beautiful and historic parish and more information about our group. If you like what you see then we would love to welcome you as a new member. We would like to thank Halberton Parish Council and Devon County Council for the financial support they have provided to our Group.
We have been informed by BT that they will be closing their Community Website Builder on 24th May 2021. That means we will have to replace this website before 24th May AND find the money to pay for hosting (Community Website Builder websites have been hosted for free by BT).
In the meantime and for obvious reasons any changes to this site will be minimal and we will not by developing it as we had planned. As soon as we have implemented a replacement site the new address will be shown here and circulated to everyone on our list of current members and other contacts.
The Halberton History Group Village Hall, 18 High Street, Halberton, Tiverton EX16 7AF
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Online books, films, pictures and stories about Tiverton in Devon
Social Media:
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Our society dates back to 1968, when many local citizens became very concerned about the adverse effect of some planning decisions on the town and the need to protect the local environment. It was therefore agreed to form a local civic society to safeguard the future development of Tiverton and its nearby surroundings. “WATCH & WARD” became our motto, and since then a major aim of the society has been to remain alert to significant changes affecting the local environment, and to prevent or reduce any adverse consequences arising from them. We are not alone in this concern – there are some 800 civic societies in England. Many of these, including Tiverton Civic Society, are members of Civic Voice which provides regular information about national issues, campaigns for change and organizes meetings and training for members.
The Tiverton Civic Society is now a Registered Charity (No 1043675) that cares for the beauty, history and character of Tiverton and its surroundings. We aim to protect and preserve the good things we all enjoy, and try to change or influence for the better developments which cause general concern. We are totally non-political and can take a long term and independent view of the many changes that are now affecting us all. We need your ideas, knowledge and enthusiasm.
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The Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) is a membership organisation run by and for its member councils for over 70 years. It is our aim to REPRESENT, ADVISE, CONSULT, COMMUNICATE, TRAIN, INFORM AND LISTEN. As the voice of local councils, we welcome ideas and seek thoughts from all.
In order to access this site you must be a member of the Devon Association of Local Councils. Membership is available to all parish councils, town councils and parish meetings in Devon. If you are not a member and are interesting in becoming one please get in touch with our contact us page.
Devon Association of Local Councils Ltd The Devon Rural Hub, Amory Building, Cheriton Bishop EX6 6JH
Social Media:
Facebook: (102)
Twitter: (521)
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