The Natural Capital Marketplace's mission is to join the dots and accelerate the scale of natural capital improvement projects across the UK. We do this by providing landholders with custom-matched projects that they can choose that align with their objectives for their land. These projects can be implemented by the landholder or more typically in partnership with one of our verified delivery partners. Projects can be funded in a range of ways, and these options are clearly laid out (and always looking to optimise grant funding and DEFRA support).

The natural capital outcomes from these projects (for example carbon credits or habitat improve) are then certified against third party standards (e.g., the woodland carbon code) and are then sold to councils. water companies and corporate customers that have committed to a pre 2050 net-zero carbon target. 


Farmers & land owners

Discover new revenue streams for your farm & land holdings whilst improving the environment. In just two minutes, we can match your holdings to project opportunities through our trusted delivery partners.

The Natural Capital Marketplace is a non-profit trading platform to help farmers access new markets in ecosystem services, like carbon credits, biodiversity and more, focused on meeting the needs of farmers and landowners.

Offsets & more

From nature-based carbon offsets to Biodiversity Net Gains. Buy third party certified credits that have 100% provenance back to the project, land parcel and date created.

  • Biodiversity We offer a range of biodiversity products, including Biodiversity Net Gain Credits (BNGC) for property developers. Our BNGC offerings are created from nature-based projects, working with a range of partners including National Parks, River & Wildlife Trusts.
  • Carbon All our carbon offsets are captured from nature-based projects across Devon and are verified against the highest third party standards to give you the peace of mind that you are buying a premium domestic product with complete transparency over its provenance. We have a range of carbon offsets, based on how they are created and the certification that is applied. These range from Woodland Carbon Code (from forestry projects), Peatland Carbon Code (from bog restoration) through to Blue Carbon (from marine and saltmarsh projects).
  • Natural Flood Management Our natural flood management product enables verified 'pay-for-outcome' NFM solutions. They are designed to mitigate flood risk in vulnerable catchments and locations. NFM projects, implemented by our partners including Westcountry Rivers Trust, Devon Wildlife Trust and Exmoor National Park, include well-planned tree planting, as well as nature-based solutions to ensure water is 'slow and clean' rather than 'fast and dirty'.
  • Natural Elements Our nature-based projects deliver significant nutrient and elemental outcomes as well as carbon. These include phosphate stock & capture products in catchments, as well as nitrogen management in NVZs. Element trading is an emerging market and we are working with the University of Exeter, the Met Office and Rothamsted Research to ensure our offerings are verifiable and robust.
  • Special Orders Our network of partners and landholders gives you direct access to a powerful platform for nature-based solutions. If you can't see what you are looking for, or would like us to but together a bespoke package that directly meets yours specific needs, special orders are for you. We can create bundles for you or actively work with landholders and partners to deliver the outcomes you are after in the locations you need.
Project Delivery Partners

Interested in joining National Parks and Wildlife Trusts working with us as a delivery partner? Increase your project volume & scale with us. Get in touch to find out more.

Our delivery partners implement projects with landowners and including Devon Wildlife Trust, Dartmoor National Park and Westcountry River's Trust. We operate to a defined delivery partner framework, which governs new partner standards and how they operate. We work with a diverse range of partners implementing nature-based projects across six thematic areas; woodland, ocean, land, habitat, climate and catchments.

About Us

The Natural Capital Marketplace is owned and operated by the Biosphere Foundation, a 100% not-for-profit community interest company. The Biosphere Foundation is affiliated to the UNESCO North Devon Biosphere Reserve and its partners. The Natural Capital Marketplace is part of the Biosphere Foundation’s strategy to fund, place, monitor and grow natural capital projects to 30% of the South West’s GDP by 2030. It is conceived to accelerate investment into nature-based solutions and has been created with support from the Environment Agency, Devon County Council and Torridge & North Devon District Councils. It is overseen and governed by a steering committee which includes representation from the Environment Agency, Devon County Council, Westcountry Rivers Trust, Devon Wildlife Trust and Rothamsted Research.

Our Customer Checklist

We have strict but fair rules for who can purchase outcomes from the marketplace. This ensures we support and promote the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and address the climate and biodiversity challenges we face whilst stimulating jobs and prosperity through nature-based solutions.

  • Have science-based, independently-verified greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets aligned with 1.5C.
  • Are committed to driving climate solutions within and outside business operations to accelerate decarbonization of the global economy.
  • Have the ambition to go beyond being “Paris compliant” to proactively help the world achieve drawdown, quickly, safely and equitably—and lead shifts that align their broader industry with this goal.
  • Are not engaged in lobbying against climate change or climate science.

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