361 Community Energy is a not-for-profit social enterprise with a mission to help northern Devon’s community to take climate change action and rapidly reduce the region’s carbon footprint. We do this in a hopeful, action-based and non-partisan way.
361 is supported by a wide range of local and regional partnerships, including North Devon Council, Torridge Council, Devon County Council, the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, local climate groups and more. We are focused on significant carbon reduction while also increasing quality of life for everyone in the region, young or old.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/361Energy/ (321)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/361energy (526)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/361energycic
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/361energy/
- Hits: 815

Tamar Energy Community is a not for profit, community owned social enterprise run by our members.
We localise energy.
We’re all spending a lot of money on heating and powering our homes (around £16m per year, or £44,000 a day across the Tavistock area). With much of this spend going to the big power companies the majority of the benefit leaves our local economy like a leaking bucket.
We provide independent energy advice and support, develop community owned renewable energy projects, and are working to understand how local people can gain greater benefit from the changing energy market.
Addressing the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency and how we can Build Back Better is at the core of our work.
We welcome your support in helping us achieve this together.
Tamar Energy Community is a community energy cooperative for Tavistock, Callington and the Tamar valley.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TamarEnergyCommunity (188)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TamarEnergyComm (321)
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Empowering our community to create a fair, affordable, zero carbon energy system with local people at its heart.
We are a charity and a social enterprise, with a cooperative ethos, made up of members who want a better future for our community and planet.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlymouthEnergyCommunity (846)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/plymenergycom (2.3k)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pecenergyteam/ (223)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plymouth-energy-community/ (206)
- Hits: 1051
A community benefit society helping local communities become more energy efficient and involved in renewable energy projects.
South Dartmoor Community Energy is a not for profit community energy company. We have seven voluntary directors and we are currently grant funded by a number of organisations to carry out our project work.
SDCE's aims are to:
- Supply heat/electricity from renewable and low carbon sources;
- Reduce fuel poverty and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings within the local community;
- Generate income to support community organisations and projects that improve the sustainability of the Local Community, including through appropriate Community Supporting Organisations;
- Provide funding for further community renewable and low carbon energy generation schemes;
- Enable the local and wider community to share in the ownership of the renewable and low carbon electricity/heat generation projects;
- Increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of renewable energy generation, local ownership of energy generation and energy efficiency.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southdartmoorcommunityenergy (451)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SDCEnergy (179)
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Oke Energy is an exciting new community renewable energy project in Okehampton and it's surrounding hamlets
The spring sunshine and April showers have inspired a new energy project in the town and hamlets.
Okehampton Community Energy, a joint venture between Okehampton Town Council and Okehampton Hamlets Parish Council, has now secured a grant to investigate the feasibility of community owned renewable energy schemes within the area.
This funding, from the Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF),has allowed the project to commission local firm DARE to conduct investigations into the potential for community owned solar photovoltaic panel arrays and hydropower systems.
RCEF is a £15 million programme, delivered by WRAP and jointly funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC). It supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects which provide economic and social benefits to the community.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Community-of-Okehampton-Renewable-Energy-Society-CORES-1125199787495659/
Mutuals Public Register: https://mutuals.fca.org.uk/Search/Society/9521
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We want people in the local area to become more aware of, and engaged with their use of energy, so that energy becomes as familiar as money.
How have we done this?
We have set up a Community Benefit Society (CBS). This allows us to help you realise your Renewable Energy installations, Energy Saving project or simply to raise your awarenes on Energy matters. TECs has a broad range of experience and wide network of individuals and organisations we can call on. We are a not-for-profit co-operative with a secure income, this allows us to offer most of our support for free.
How do we put our vision into practice?
As well as helping businesses, organisations or households put renewable energy installations on sites they own or occupy, we also want to work with you and your wider community to become more aware of your energy use.
By engaging with energy use, we are all more likely to understand and appreciate it. This can also lead to a change in our attitudes and behaviour when using energy, not just at work or school, but also when we go home.
- Hits: 584
Based in South Devon, YCE is a non-profit social enterprise, run by local people, doing things differently. We are offering the opportunity to invest in locally-generated clean electricity with profits going into a community fund to support environmental and social projects in the parishes bordering the Yealm estuary: Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo, Holbeton, Yealmpton, Brixton and Wembury.
Households in the Yealm area pay around £7 million per year to outside energy suppliers, representing about 5% of earned income. This money leaves the local economy and benefits large commercial companies. Taking ownership of local clean energy generation will retain the profits within the community and promote our long term sustainability.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YealmEnergy/ (191)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YealmEnergy (108)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/yealm-community-energy-limited/about/
- Hits: 607

We develop community-owned renewable energy in Devon. We aim to reduce our local carbon footprint and lower our dependence on imported energy in partnership with schools, businesses and local people.
Our Aims
Totnes Renewable Energy Society (TRESOC) is an IPS formed by a group of local residents in 2007. Its aim is to empower the local community to develop and control its own renewable energy supplies and to ensure that the maximum value resulting from the development of local resources is retained by the community.
TRESOC aims:
To develop the profitable supply of energy from renewable resources for the benefit of the community centred in Totnes and the surrounding area.
To ensure the democratic control of renewable energy resources, by the local community, through the establishment of an extensive membership of the Society.
To ensure that the maximum value from development of these resources shall be retained within the local economy.
To provide an opportunity for public-spirited people and organisations to contribute financially to the community with the expectation of a social dividend as well as a financial return.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tresoc/ (477)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tresoc_ (912)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/totnes-renewable-energy-society-limited/
- Hits: 759
We help public sector and not-for-profit organisations get green energy projects up and running through Local Capacity Support, Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) and Low Carbon Retrofit.
Our aim is to increase the number, scale and quality of low carbon energy projects across the South West, reducing the region’s carbon footprint.
Social Media:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/south-west-energy-hub/ (22)
- Hits: 599
The Devon Community Energy Network brings together community organisations, local authorities, businesses and other to work towards a sustainable future for our community.
Our network acts collectively to support each other and our goals across Devon. Importantly, we work together to secure resources and deliver projects that cannot be achieved by community energy organisations acting alone.
We work together to influence new energy development, to reduce energy consumption, to fight fuel poverty and to deploy new renewable energy projects for a sustainable future.
Social Media:
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