Bright green fields divided by thick dark green hedgerows create a strong patchwork pattern across this peaceful and highly rural landscape. Steep, narrow and ancient lanes and tracks wind across the hills between flower-rich banks and luxuriant hedgerows. South Molton is a thriving market town with a wealth of colourful medieval, Elizabethan and Georgian buildings laid out around its busy main square. The square towers of the churches of South Molton, George Nympton and Bishop’s Nympton are glimpsed between the hills and form important local landmarks.
This is a relatively small area, comprising land around the small market town of South Molton, plus the valley of the River Yeo extending eastwards. To the north is a gradual transition to the ridges and wooded valleys of the Exmoor Fringe. To the south is a gradual transition to the lower land of the Taw Valley, with Witheridge and Rackenford Moor beyond and to the east. To the west is the Codden Hill and Wooded Estates, the transition being marked by the edge of the Castle Hill estate.
Planning Strategy
To protect the landscape’s scenic quality and rural character and the local setting of Exmoor National Park. The continued agricultural use of the area is supported, with features such as hedgerows being well managed. Historic features such as lanes, tracks, bridges and finger posts are retained and repaired. Visually-intrusive large scale development is resisted. The development of South Molton is carefully considered to minimise the visual impact on the surrounding landscape, and the historic character of its town centre is retained. The biodiversity of the area is enhanced.