The Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is a tranquil and relatively isolated landscape, on the border of Devon and Somerset. The area is rich in wildlife and heritage. For many, it epitomises the English countryside, with hedgerows and copses, small farms with intricate field patterns, deep valleys and narrow, winding lanes.
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The charm of Blackdown Hills AONB stems from its subtlety – its fragile beauty. Spanning less than 15 miles in each direction, it is small when compared with many other AONBs and National Parks. Yet it is remarkably diverse.
The unique geology of the area gives rise to a wide variety of habitats, creating an exceptional environment where rare plant, insect, bird and mammal species can flourish.
To this day, we can see how the geology, along with the area’s climate, has shaped the history of the Blackdown Hills. Steep ridges, high plateaux, river valleys and springs create a delightful mosaic of countryside dotted with farms, villages, and habitats.
The Blackdown Hills was designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1991.
Blackdown Hills Farming & Woodland Group
Following a successful partnership bid to Natural England, a new training and collaboration network has been set up for farmers and other land managers within the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). This is known as the Blackdown Hills Farming and Woodland Group.
Beginning work in early 2018, this group project will operate for three years, working with members across the Blackdown Hills. The project aims to bring landowners together to share knowledge, learn from each other’s experiences and work collaboratively with a ‘landscape scale’ approach; all with the long-term objective of improving their practices to look after the natural environment and resources on their holdings.