Exeter COSY Routes

Eight circular routes around the city, making one full 26.2 mile marathon distance.

The Exeter COSY Route project is a community wellbeing and dementia awareness initiative created for Exeter Dementia Action Alliance to signpost people of all abilities to routes on the edge of the city where they can walk and run.

From its roots in an ancient Greek battle to mass participation events around the world, the marathon length of 26.2-miles is a distance that capture’s the imagination. Perfect for Exeter’s unique COSY route – COSY being an acronym for circle of somewhere yours as that’s what it is.

The full circle will take you to every compass and hill viewpoint around Exeter, following footpaths, quiet lanes, field tracks, over stiles, through woodland, paved roads, some busier parts of the city, along its suburban fringe and into neighbouring village communities.

You’ll cross the river and canal, go under and over the M5 motorway, step over both the Exeter to London rail lines, and pass churches, pubs, schools, and local businesses.

Whether you take on this challenge over months, weeks, days or in one strenuous go, you’ll see the city as never before, and complete a marathon in doing so.


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