Queen Street

Exeter Views A busy, bustling commuter street!

If you are travelling to Exeter by rail, Queen Street is one of the first Exeter shopping streets you will visit. This street is home to Exeter Central Station and also one of the main routes into the city from Exeter St Davids Station. The High Street is located at one end whilst the main Exeter College is located close to the other in nearby Hele Road. With this location between the two main rail stations, the college and city centre - Queen Street, partly due to train arrivals can get quite active at times with commuters, shoppers, and students traversing the route.


Visit Exeter This is what makes Exeter so different from any other city in the region.

Away from the busy High Street you'll find a wealth of chic independent stores that you can't find anywhere else.


Exeter Memories The Improvement Commissioners (Victorian town planners) were responsible for the construction of Queen Street, which was cut between 1839 and 1841. It ran from the High Street to the also new, New North Road which crossed the Longbrook Valley with a viaduct, to join with Longbrook Street.



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