Memory Matters SW CIC is a Community Interest Company (CIC). We trade for public benefit rather than private gain and all of our projects and services are designed, developed and built on the needs of those affected by dementia. We are a team of dedicated individuals who share an ethos of compassion, kindness, fun and curiosity. The team is led by Co-Founders Kate and Laura, qualified nurses and social entrepreneurs. We are champions of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST); a therapy proven to slow the progression of dementia and increase quality of life. We weave this into our services with the guidance of the very people we serve. Our aim is to work closely with individuals and relevant agencies and organisations in the South West to reach a time where every person who receives a diagnosis of dementia, has access to the correct support, which will help them to live well with their dementia. They also run Moments Café based in the heart of Plymouth City Centre. We offer a safe environment for people to meet, eat and socialise, and even hire spaces and ask advice on all things dementia.

Memory Matters South West CIC c/o Moments, 69a New George St, Plymouth PL1 1RJ

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