Plastic Free Exmouth is an active group working with Exmouth Council, businesses, schools, and individuals to gain certification for a Plastic Free Community with Surfers Against Sewage.
Exmouth has two Community Leaders for Surfers Against Sewages "Plastic Free Coastlines" movement, Scott and Alison and as you know, plastics are becoming more and more prominent in our environment and the aim of this group is to reduce that within our community with a goal of leading Exmouth towards certification as a Plastic Free Community.
In order to do so we need to achieve five simple objectives:
1) Get Exmouth's local Council to support Plastic Free Coastlines
2) Get as many local Businesses as possible to remove three single-use plastics from their outlets and for this to be an ongoing change
3) Get the Local Community (you) to support Plastic Free Coastlines and achieve set targets - we'll be looking for volunteers in the coming months!
4) Run two local community events over the course of a year - watch this space!
5) Have a group of local stakeholders/steering committee meet once a year to discuss the progress made by Plastic Free Exmouth. BUT We aim to make this once every couple of months!
It is not a lot!! and with the help of you and your family and friends, we have the chance to be one of the few Devon coastal communities that are certified Plastic Free Communities.
Over Summer 2019 we will be forming a Steering Group and signing up Volunteers for a programme of changes and events early 2020 onwards!
Facebook : (524)
Instagram: (634)
Gannets are just one species that you are helping. Keep up your great work!