The Organic Growers Alliance is a network of growers, farmers and horticulturalists. The OGA is a peer-to-peer support network run by growers for growers. As well, the OGA is a place to exchange information and learn and it represents its members.

The OGA brings together growers from across the UK, organises regular events and produces a quarterly organic horticultural journal. Our website is a resource with technical articles (for members only) written by experienced growers or researchers, and is as a platform for growers to communicate, sharing jobs, asking questions or relaying handy tips. Our members have access to all back copies of the Organic Grower Magazine and access to a directory of our members, to link growers in their UK regions.

The OGA is a Community Interest Company run by an elected committee all of whom are volunteers. Membership is open to all actively engaged in commercial organic growing. Join the OGA today and be a part of our growing network! 

Organic Growers Alliance CIC 187 Winsley Road, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1NX

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