We are an inclusive Anglican Church and look forward to warmly welcoming you.

Normal Service Times

All are welcome to join us for worship.

The main service on Sundays is at 9.30am. Most weeks we have Parish Communion. Children are welcome. We have a creche area towards the back of the church for parents with small children. On the 3rd Sunday in the month, we have a more informal, slightly shorter Family Service.

See website for details of online services during Covid restrictions


St David’s Church Queen’s Terrace, Exeter EX4 4HR

Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stdavidschurchexeter/ (402)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StDavids_Exeter (1.1k)

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9CVo4jS7srvG64zs42KNCQ (30)


Photo: Derek Harper https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/213553 


Green Team

In January 2020 we established a Green Team to make our activities more sustainable. Aims: Overall aims of project were twofold: to make progress towards becoming an Eco Church, and to inspire individuals/give them ideas/raise awareness of how to lead a more sustainable/green life.



Green Event 11th September 2021 10am-2pm

Ideas for how we can live more sustainably. Vegetarian Lunch £5


  • Co Cars and Bikes
  • Wildlife talk
  • Eco church
  • Churchyard tours
  • Mending & making things
  • Tea, coffee, cake
  • Traidcraft stall
  • Harvest produce
  • Participation table - bring your own ideas
  • Children's activities

And much more

St David’s Green Event – St David's Church, Exeter (stdavidschurchexeter.org.uk)




Soup Kitchen Evening, Thursdays 6-7pm – Not currently active due to Covid-19 restrictions

We have a soup evening at St David’s because back in 2002 a homeless man was found dead in the porch of the Church.

A few key members of the Church were moved enough by this death, particularly as it had occurred on our doorstep and in such a lonely way, to take action. A soup evening was started to provide a welcome place for homeless and vulnerable individuals.

Each week we provide nourishing soup made by volunteers and other tasty refreshments which are often donated by ourselves or the wider community. We also provide a change of clothes, blankets and sleeping bags. We can see anything up to 45 people between 6pm and 7pm on a Thursday night.



A Church Near You https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/8695/ 


Devon Pilgrim - St Boniface Way Throughout the pilgrimage route flow the interconnected themes of prayer, work and study. St Boniface would have been familiar with these as they formed the rhythms of his life as a Benedictine monk. Prayer is reflected in the churches visited en route and also by the inclination of the pilgrim as they undertake the pilgrimage. Along the route, the pilgrim will reflect on work especially as they journey past working farm land. Study is represented by the University chapel and in the heart of the pilgrim as they grow in their understanding of God.



Exeter Memories There has been a daughter church of Heavitree on some rising ground that was known as St David's Dune since before Athelstane.

A deed of Bishop Henry Marshall of 1194, mentions, among others, St David's Church. Jenkins in his History of Exeter wrote of St David's Church in 1805:

"The church, which is situated on the summit of a hill, (called in ancient records St. David's Dune) is small and irregular, consisting of a nave and one aisle, without a chancel; the communion table being situated in the eastern angle of the nave. The whole of the building is remarkably low, as is the tower, which is square, containing four small untunable bells; the church is light, well seated, and kept-in good repair. The present edifice cannot lay claim to great antiquity, as it was built in the fifteenth century."



Historic England A chapelry, dependent on Heavitree, existed here in the late 12th century, Rebuilding took place in 1541. The immediate predecessor of the present building was an ambitious Greek Doric church of 1816-17 by James Green (1781-1819), a Quaker from Birmingham who was primarily a civil engineer: he was the County Surveyor for Devon from 1808 and was responsible for roads, bridges and canal work. Some earlier tombs survive in the churchyard from the pre-Victorian epoch.

The church we see today is a rebuilding of 1897-1900 to designs by W.D Caröe and it is his best known building and probably his greatest work.


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