It's time for change

By building connections between people and across disciplines, we have a huge opportunity to find new ways to solve our current economic, health, climate and nature crisis.

With your help, we are generating radical ideas and practical actions, and working to transform our country and our world.

To bring together unusual combinations of voices in order to devise a range of practical actions that can have significant impact on our climate, nature, health and economy.

Working with all the key pieces of the system - from farmers to activists, businesses to government, academics to practitioners and many others - we aim to encourage debate and catalyse change.

We believe that by exploring a range of often disconnected issues and understanding how they connect, we will together solve some of the most intractable problems of our time.

We work with partners and communities across the UK to make:

  • Healthy food everybody’s business, levelling the playing field for a fair food system
  • Farming a force for change, with a transition plan for agroecology by 2030, and the resources to back that plan
  • The countryside work for everyone, with a framework for sustainable land use and nature restoration, with flourishing rural economies and thriving communities where people can afford to live and work.

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