Pasture containing grasses, wildflowers and herbs is the natural diet of cattle and sheep. Yet today, very few animals are fed from pasture alone. Many farmers now try to produce their meat and milk as quickly as possible, by feeding things like cereals and imported soya, with animals indoors much of the time. So animals are vanishing from our fields and the tasty, healthy, grass-fed food they produce is hard to find. Our farmers make the most of their pastures by keeping their animals out for as long as possible and feeding preserved pasture if they need to come inside.
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The carbon footprint of grass farms is significantly lower than that of farms where cereal crops are grown to feed animals. Grassland helps capture and store carbon so less is released into the air to harm the atmosphere. Grazing animals return nutrients and organic matter back to the ground as they deposit their dung, ensuring the soil remains healthy and fertile.
Pasture farmers sow legumes such as white and red clover, which help other grasses and plants grow without the need for chemical-based fertilisers, which can make the soil acidic and unhealthy, are expensive and made from non-renewable sources of energy. Pasture farms are alive with wildlife including many flowers, insects, birds and mammals.
Pasture for Life specifically prohibits feeding soya to animals, much of which has been grown on land cleared of native tropical forest. So, Pasture for Life farmers do not contribute to the destruction of precious resources elsewhere in the world.
The Pasture-Fed Livestock Association (PFLA) is involved in two major research projects that seek to address the address the range of interrelated factors involved in Pasture for Life systems and how they affect the environment and animal welfare.