The Living Projects at Pondfield is a community led space that facilitates pioneering initiatives coming from the local area to tackle a number of issues around purposeful work, social infrastructure and rural youth opportunities.
Founded in 2014 by a number of young people, Pondfield has grown into a thriving hub for the local community. We grow food, we look after ecosystems and biodiversity through regenerative land management, we offer space for volunteering and learning about various horticulture approaches whilst we continue to support the local community through providing opportunities for social health and wellbeing.
The Living Projects at Pondfield Dartington, Totnes South Hams
Social Media:
Facebook: (1.4k)
Instagram: (320)
- Hits: 1044
Transition Tavistock seeks to bring our community together by sharing knowledge and practical ideas to use less energy and resources, grow more of our own food, and supply and buy more locally.
Our goal is to help build a strong and self-supporting community for Tavistock and the surrounding areas, seizing the opportunity to bring about a more sustainable and better future.
Social Media:
Facebook: (196)
Twitter: (453)
- Hits: 621
Sustainable Crediton's mission is to help people in Crediton and the local area to lead more sustainable lifestyles and work towards a carbon neutral future.
We see a positive future where people value and respect the environment and understand the need to conserve the natural world and its finite resources. Join us and help us to ensure Crediton remains a place we are all proud to live in.
Sustainable Crediton, formerly known as Crediton Climate Action, is a growing group of local people who share concerns about the effects of Climate Change and increasingly expensive and scarce oil supplies. Our aim is to raise awareness in our community and also to mobilise action in order to respond effectively and positively to these challenges.
Sustainable Crediton is a member of the international Transition Town network that aims to inspire, support, train and connect communities that are exploring the transition from fossil fuel dependency towards local self sufficiency and a low carbon lifestyle. This will result in a life that is fulfilling, enjoyable, with community spirit and capable of coping with the challenges of climate change and scarce oil supplies. Crediton and the surrounding villages are an area of abundant natural resources plus a wide variety of human interests, expertise and skills. We can all profit by creating a future aimed at sharing and expanding upon this great base.
Social Media:
Facebook: (416)
Facebook: (82)
Twitter: (1.2k)
- Hits: 656
Sustainable Tiverton is part of the Transition Network, which inspires and supports communities to become more sustainable in the face of climate change – building resilience, supporting bio-diversity and reducing CO2 emissions. We encourage local projects that combat global warming and environmental damage; by supporting community groups to set up, run activities and events, get publicity, and work with others nearby.
Social Media:
Facebook: (402)
- Hits: 729
Set up in 2005 by members of the Town Council and Sid Vale Association, the Vision Group for Sidmouth is now a determinedly independent group. It aims to provide support for local people and organisations who are taking up particular issues for improving Sidmouth life, and to listen to residents’ ideas.
- Hits: 581
Teign Estuary Transition is a local initiative to move towards a low energy, sustainable future. We are a group of local people who are concerned about the twin challenges of diminishing oil and gas supplies, known as ‘Peak Oil’, and climate change.
We believe that these challenges can be turned into real opportunities for us in a step-by-step ‘transition’ to a sustainable future. As part of a growing movement of Transition initiatives around the world we want to create a healthier, happier environment to live in.
We want to inspire creative solutions in the transition to a low carbon future. Local activities are shown to work! We can share ideas, help to generate awareness and enthusiasm, and above all we intend to have fun.
Social Media:
Facebook: (105)
Twitter: (184)
- Hits: 589
Transition Town Totnes (TTT) is a community-led and run local charity that exists to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and build our resilience for a future with less cheap energy and a changing climate.
TTT is a collection of local volunteers with a small staff team, who come together to work on projects. Anyone can get involved.
Our projects and groups are ever-changing and evolving, and we always welcome new ideas. Our work ranges from increasing low impact affordable housing, sharing skills, creating livelihoods, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions, growing our local food economy and working in partnership with other local projects.
Social Media:
Facebook: (6.9k)
Twitter: (4.2k)
- Hits: 585
Transition Exmouth's Mission:
To strengthen the community's responce to Climate Change, inequality and shrinking supplies of resources, including energy, water and land, by building long term town resilience, preserving biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions.
Our Exmouth Our Planet
Social Media:
Facebook: (389)
Twitter: (37)
- Hits: 603
PL:21 is a Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that brings residents together to help make Ivybridge a more sustainable place to live and work.
By getting involved and seeking to adopt more sustainable lifestyles, we can discover new ways of thinking, working, producing and sharing together at a local level; getting more out of our community, as well as helping contribute at a global level.
PL:21 is made up of local residents from a variety of backgrounds and with a wide range of interests and skills. If you have an idea to help make the area more environmentally friendly or to encourage sustainable behaviour please get involved and we'll try to help you make it happen.
Social Media:
Facebook: h (490)
Twitter: (467)
- Hits: 613
Transition Network is a charity which works to inspire, encourage, connect, support and train communities world-wide as they self-organise around the Transition model.
We work with and alongside a grass-roots movement of independent Transition initiative community groups and Transition Hubs in many countries. We aim to evolve as an organisation alongside the Transition movement, which is changing and deepening, while being clear about the roles that we undertake.
A strength of the Transition movement is that people working at local community level can learn from others in communities around the world. Transition Network is constantly looking for ways to encourage and enable the sharing of ideas, learning and support, across and beyond the Transition movement. Being part of a network means we can create change more quickly and more effectively, drawing on each other’s experiences and insights.
Transition Network 43 Fore Street, Totnes TQ9 5HN
Social Media:
Facebook: (28.9k)
Twitter: (28.1k)
YouTube: (3.7k)
YouTube Playlists:
- Hits: 709