The Godborough Castle Reserve is  relatively small but well worth a  visit if you’re in the North Devon area. (OS 434 273). This reserve was a ‘greenfield site’, established in the late 1990s and it is developing rapidly. The prime aim is to  replicate the mixed habitats that would have been found in the area fifty years ago. It has been recognised as a County Wildlife Site.

Devon Birds members and volunteers have planted thousands of trees and berry carrying shrubs to create burgeoning scrub woodland with a spine of relict woodland, including an original Devon Whitebeam. There are pockets of tumble-down grassland that provide feeding grounds for Buzzard and Green Woodpeckers and the full range of grassland butterflies including marbled whites. Peregrine, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk are regular visitors. Relict woodland and hedgebanks support a variety of common bird species, including a full range of warblers. In winter the berry carrying shrubs are a major attraction for fieldfares and redwings. The top of the reserve is the highest point locally and is a good spot to watch for spring and autumn migrants. 

Devon Birds sightings

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