This is a simple, agricultural landscape dominated by the sky within an open, westerly aspect. The smooth hills have rounded profiles, and are covered by a patchwork of large, regular fields. Views are long and wide, sometimes with glimpses of the sea or estuary as a backdrop. The steep valleys which punctuate the downland run like wooded ribbons across the landscape, contrasting with the farmland in their rich colours and textures. These valleys have a secluded and secretive character. They are very tranquil, the only sounds often being birds and running water; and their sunken lanes have a timeless quality.

This area is located to the north of Barnstaple and comprises high open farmland interspersed with secluded wooded valleys. To the north is the North Devon High Coast with its coastal combes; to the east a gradual transition to the wooded, intricate landscapes of the Exmoor Fringe; to the south a gradual transition to the Codden Hill and Wooded Estates and also a more abrupt transition (marked by the change in topography) with the Taw-Torridge Estuary. To the west is a gradual transition (with increasing coastal influence) to the North Devon Coastal Downs.;9&activeTab=Landscapes&extent=243333;127116;273456;147138 

Planning Strategy

To protect the area’s scenic quality, flowing skylines, agricultural landscape and tranquil valleys, enhancing its role as a setting for and backdrop to adjacent AONB and National Park landscapes. The open views and smooth skylines of the downs are retained, and visually intrusive development is avoided. Valleys maintain their tranquil, secluded character. Sustainable agriculture is supported, and landscape features such as hedgerows and woodland are well-managed. The biodiversity of the agricultural landscape and parklands is enhanced. The numerous archaeological sites are protected and well-managed.

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