Hardwick Wood is located in the east of Plymouth, just south of Plympton and north of the A38. The 22.4 hectares site is owned and managed by the Woodland Trust and is accessible to the public. This site is an ancient semi-natural woodland sculptured by natural events such as storms. The site has been disturbed with the planting of non-native species, but does contain oak, ash and beach. The site has a number of rides and paths that run through the woodland.

The site is designated as a County Wildlife Site because of the presence of 17 ancient woodland indicator species including: Wood millet, Wild cherry, Field rose, Wych elm



County Wildlife Sites (CWS) are areas of land that are rich in wildlife such as a tract of heath, a meadow, a copse or a village pond. In general, at least five Devon notable plant species are required for the creation of a CWS but other criteria such as wintering bird interest may be used. For more detailed information on CWS contact Devon Biodiversity Records Centre. Some of our CWS are private with no access, please refer to individual site descriptions for access details.




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