Shaping the future of transport across the South West
Peninsula Transport is developing a regional transport strategy, which plans and prioritises strategic infrastructure across the peninsula over the next thirty years.
As part of this work, Peninsula Transport is consulting on its vision and goals for the South West transport network. This is a key milestone in developing the longer term plan for transport as the vision will define the overall direction and principles of the strategy.
Your thoughts are important at this early stage, as contributions will help us understand the transport needs of those living, working and travelling within the peninsula. We need to know if you share our vision, goals and ultimately if we are moving in the right direction.
Get involved
Peninsula Transport invites you to read the vision document and take part in the consultation by filling out our short feedback survey. The deadline for comments is 17 September 2021.
The feedback will be used to help shape the development of the full transport strategy.
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This plan sets out the government’s commitments and the actions needed to decarbonise the entire transport system in the UK.
It includes:
- our pathway to net zero transport in the UK
- the wider benefits net zero transport can deliver
- the principles that underpin our approach to delivering net zero transport
The plan follows on from Decarbonising transport: setting the challenge, published in March 2020, which laid out the scale of additional reductions needed to deliver transport’s contribution to legally binding carbon budgets and delivering net zero by 2050.
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The Exeter Transport Strategy 2020-2030 focuses on improving travel choices, creating better places for people and taking advantage of technology opportunities to influence travel behaviour in a positive way.
The proposals aim to provide an ambitious, but realistic, transport strategy that is embodied in the following 3 key themes:
- Greater Connectivity focuses on travel into the city from outside Exeter’s boundaries. A consistent standard of frequency of both rail and interurban bus routes and delivering strategic cycle trails between key settlements are proposed. To capture those from the rural hinterland with limited sustainable travel choices, there will be a Park and Ride on all key corridors into the city. This theme also includes protecting the reliability and resilience of the strategic road and rail connections with the rest of the country.
- Greater Places for People is about travel within and quality of life in the city. This includes a target for 50% of trips to be made by walking and cycling. This will be achieved through enhancing pedestrian/cycling networks, reallocating road space for walking and cycling and creating more attractive public spaces. We will also work with bus operators to improve urban bus corridors and to provide a reliable low carbon network of buses.
- Greater Innovation will see the Council looking to work with private sector partners to test and implement innovative technology solutions to make travel easier and help the city’s transport networks operate more flexibly and efficiently. A key aspiration will be to expand the electric vehicle car clubs, the on street electric cycle hire network and proposed low carbon bus services and develop a new zero emission transport subscription service.
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Devon Local Nature Partnership Planting trees and increasing woodland cover are positive things we can do now in response to the climate emergency and ecological crisis. Trees provide us with lots of benefits, including capturing and storing carbon as they grow, reducing flooding, and providing habitats for thousands of species.
We need to make sure that the right tree is established in the right place, using the right method, for the right reasons, and with the right aftercare. This means increasing tree cover whilst protecting what is special and valued in the landscape and keeping the environmental benefits already being delivered.
While most new tree cover is a positive thing, new trees in the wrong locations could result in unintended negative consequences. For example, establishing trees in wildflower-rich grasslands, heathlands or peatlands, could actually reduce biodiversity in these areas or even release more carbon than will be stored by the planted trees.
Trees and their roots can also damage buried archaeology, historic sites and their settings. Poorly designed monoculture plantations across swathes of land can change the diversity and special qualities of our beautiful Devon landscapes, including wide open spaces and views.
There are lots of things to think about when planning a tree planting or woodland creation scheme. This can seem overwhelming, but guidance and support is available – whether you’re a farmer, landowner, community group, business, agent or an individual planning a tree planting or woodland creation scheme. We hope this guide will provide something for everyone, helping you avoid any unintended negative impacts and design an environmentally sensitive scheme.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DevonLNP/ (1.3k)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Devon_LNP (3.6k)
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/devon-local-nature-partnership-33627346137
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In the week of COP26, come take a journey with us along Exeter High Street to find out how you can take action in regards to the climate!
Pop in to any of the 5 venues up and down Exeter's City Centre anytime between 10am and 3pm on 6th November 2021 to get ideas, chat to Exeter residents and find out more about local organisations and sustainable businesses.
- St Sidwells's focus is on Biodiversity with Devon Wildlife Trust
- Make Tank's focus is on COP26, general campaigning and political engagement, the Green New Deal and Seedbank.
- St Stephen's focus is on a faith-based response to the climate.
- St Petrock's focus is on finance and divestment and getting your voice heard.
- The Mint Methodist's focus is on Sustainable Lifestyles with Good Food and Food Cycle as well as information from local sustainable businesses.
Please share this event with as many people as possible so that we can engage with each other on this vital topic.
Part of a national coalition for COP26 Glasgow. 6th November 2021 Global Day For Climate Justice. Follow for updates on Exeter COP26 Hub
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/264195568910608 (123)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cop26exeter/ (92)
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The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26.
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/COP26 (141k)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cop26uk/ (84k)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cop26uk/ (90k)
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Read more: COP26 - 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference

A jack-o'-lantern (or jack o'lantern) is a carved pumpkin, turnip, or other root vegetable lantern, commonly associated with the Halloween holiday. Its name comes from the reported phenomenon of strange lights flickering over peat bogs, called will-o'-the-wisps or jack-o'-lanterns. The name is also tied to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack, a drunkard who bargains with Satan and is doomed to roam the Earth with only a hollowed turnip to light his way.
Jack-o'-lanterns carved from pumpkins are a yearly Halloween tradition that came to the United States with Irish immigrants.
In a jack-o'-lantern, the top of the pumpkin or turnip is cut off to form a lid, the inside flesh is scooped out, and an image—usually a scary or funny face—is carved out of the rind to expose the hollow interior. To create the lantern effect, a light source, traditionally a flame such as a candle or tealight, is placed within before the lid is closed. However, artificial jack-o'-lanterns with electric lights are also marketed. It is common to see jack-o'-lanterns used as external and internal decorations prior to and on Halloween.
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Are you worried about climate change? Do you live in the South Hams? Here are some ways to take climate action in the South Hams.
Take action in how you shop. Take action in how you travel. Take action by joining groups. Take action by supporting each other. Take action in non-violent protest.
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Are you worried about climate change? Do you live in Torridge? Here are some ways to take climate action in Torridge.
Take action in how you shop. Take action in how you travel. Take action by joining groups. Take action by supporting each other. Take action in non-violent protest.
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Devon County Council's Environment Viewer is a powerful tool for examining the changes to Devon's landscapes over the last 180 years. The Environment Viewer has 11 different maps, starting with Tithe maps from the 1840s, through early Ordnance Survey maps, 1946 RAF aerial photograph, to recent aerial photographs and modern OS maps. Information can be overlaid on these maps: Contours, Ecology and Geology, Water and Air Quality, Flood Risk, Historic Environment, Landscapes, Planning, Public Access, and Administrative Boundaries. This article gives a brief guide to using DCC's Environment Viewer for researching local history.
- Hits: 1422
Read more: Researching Local History with DCC Environment Viewer