With the 2021 census just completed, lets look at how Hartland appeared in previous censuses. The FreeCEN website gives free access to 1841, 1851, 1861 and 1891 censuses of Hartland. White's Devonshire Directory from 1850 can fill in some gaps. How would your life look to future historians, if they could only read a few lines every 10 years?

Three traces of past lives, 

  • Mary Cann, Draper and Grocer
  • Ann Avery, Farmer
  • John Snow, Blacksmith



(top left) Hartland Point: Roger Kidd https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4555379 
(middle left) Hartland Quay: Pauline E https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1332895 
(top right) Square and War Memorial: Philip Halling https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1570179 
(middle right) St Nectan, Stoke: Roger Kidd https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4558235 
(bottom) Hartland Abbey: Colin Park https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3759833 


Mary Cann, Draper and Grocer

1841 Devon, Hartland, Millford
CANN, Richard, 45, Yeoman
CANN, Mary, 40
CANN, Ann, 11
CANN, John, 10
CANN, Jane, 8
CANN, Elizabeth, 5
CANN, Fanney, 3
CANN, Mary, 2
CANN, Margrat, 11m

White's Devonshire Directory 1850
Page 601. GROCERS, &c. (*Drapers also.) *Cann Mary

1851 Devon, Bideford, Hartland
CANN, Mary, Head, Widow, 52, Draper Grocer, Hartland
CANN, Elizabeth, Dau, 14, Scholar, Hartland
CANN, Fanny, Dau, 13, Scholar, Hartland
CANN, Mary, Dau, 11, Scholar, Hartland

1861 Devon, Hartland, Harton Town
CANN, Mary, Widow, 62, Draper & Grocer, Hartland
CANN, Anne, Dau, 31, Assist, Hartland
CANN, Elizabeth, Dau, 24, Milliner, Hartland
CANN, Fanny, Dau, 23, Dressmaker, Hartland
CANN, Mary, Dau, 22, Dressmaker, Hartland
FELL, James F, Visitr, 7, Oxton
SPRY, Mary, Servnt, 18, House Servnt, Poundstock

1891 Devon, Bideford, Hartland, Fore Street, Fairfield House
CANN, Ann Dennis, Head, 61, Draper & Grocer, Hartland
CANN, Mary, Mother, Widow, 92, Retired Draper & Grocer, Hartland
CANN, Fanny, Sister, 53, Partner Grocer, Hartland
CANN, Mary, Sister, 50, Partner Draper, Hartland
TOTTENHAM, Charles Joseph, Nephew, 13, Visitor, IRL Unk
COOK, Emily, Servnt, 15, Servant, Hartland

Ann Avery, Farmer

1841 Devon, Hartland, Millford
AVERY, John, 55, Yeoman
AVERY, Ann, 50
AVERY, William, 20

White's Devonshire Directory 1850
Page 600. FARMERS, Averv Ann

1851 Devon, Bideford, Hartland, Milford
AVERY, Ann, Head, Widow, 60, Farmer of 20 Acres, Hartland
HEAD, Rebecca, Sister, 50, Hartland
OKE, Margaret, Servnt, 14, House Serv, Hartland

1861 Devon, Hartland, Harton
CANN, Samuel, Head, 75, Mason, Kilkhampton
CANN, Margaret, Wife, 73, Abbotsham
AVERY, Ann, Visitr, 70, Farmer's Widow, Hartland

John Snow, Blacksmith

1841 Devon, Hartland, Part Of Tree Square
SNOW, John, 45, Blacksmith
SNOW, Susan, 47
SNOW, James, 18
SNOW, Anabella, 8
SNOW, Eliza, 6
SNOW, Harriott, 5

White's Devonshire Directory 1850
Page 600. BLACKSMITHS. Snow John

1851 Devon, Bideford, Hartland
SNOW, John, Head, 52, Master Blacksmith, Hartland
SNOW, Susanna, Wife, 55, Monkleigh
SNOW, James B, Son, 27, Jnyman Blacksmith, Hartland
SNOW, Susanna, Dau, 19, Hartland
SNOW, Arabella, Dau, 17, Hartland
SNOW, Eliza, Dau, 15, Hartland

1861 Devon, Hartland, Harton Town
SNOW, John, Head, 64, Blacksmith, Hartland
SNOW, Susan, Wife, 66, Monkleigh
SNOW, Eliza, 26, Hartland


General Information on Hartland

GENUKI provides a virtual reference library of genealogical information of particular relevance to the UK and Ireland. It is a non-commercial service, maintained by a charitable trust and a group of volunteers.



Welcome to the Devon Heritage website where you will find information and articles about the people and places of this County, both past and present. 



British History Online has copies of the late 19th Century Ordnance Survey maps.



Census 2021 The census is a survey about all the households in England and Wales. The last census took place on Sunday 21 March 2021. Everyone must complete the census and provide accurate information. It helps decide how services are funded in your area.



A Vision of Britain Since 1801 the Census has created a uniquely detailed record of our changing communities. For data on your chosen town or village, search by place from our main home page. 

Hartland https://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/place/4851 


Extract of the Hartland entry from William White's Devonshire Directory of 1850



FreeCEN The aim of FreeCEN is to provide free internet searches of the 19th century UK census returns. The first UK census to include names and other details of UK residents took place in 1841. Since then, a census has been held every ten years.

The FreeCEN project was begun in July, 1999, with a pilot transcription for Devon, coordinated by Brian Randell. Since then, the project has moved on, outgrowing its original database and website: we are now based on this site and have plans to improve the database and the ways you can search it.


Coverage for Hartland on FreeCEN is for the years 1841 (census district Hartland), 1851 (Bideford), 1861 (Hartland), and 1891 (Bideford)


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