In My Back Yard is a friendly network of independent, small-scale food producers, wholefood suppliers and residents working together to build a more resilient, nourishing and community-centred food system for the local area.
Customers can order fresh, natural and delicious food direct from the producers via a convenient online platform. A phone buddy system will help those who aren’t online. Goods will be delivered to a collection point or direct to homes or businesses.
In My Back Yard was recently awarded a development grant from the Devon Locality Budget. In My Back Yard’s founding producer members are Bulstone Springs Farm, Natural Branscombe, Elbow Farm, Browings & Comhar, Natural Worx, Fillfull, Artemis Bees and Vinnicombes Bakery, Norsworthy Dairy Goats, along with non-producer worker member, Emma. We also wouldn’t be able to operate without many, many wonderful volunteers – thank you all!
By working together, we support local producers with fairer prices, reduce food miles and overheads, revitalise the local economy and increase resilience to shocks in global markets.
In My Back Yard Bulstone Barn, Branscombe, Seaton, Devon EX12 3BL
Facebook: (672)
Twitter: (7)
Instagram: (171)