Devon Wildlife Trust The hart's-tongue fern is a medium-sized fern that can be found growing in damp, shady gorges and banks in woodlands, as well as on rocks, walls and mossy branches. It is a hardy plant and is ideal for gardens - plant it in shade under trees, or on walls or gravelly areas for attractive cover all year-round.

How to identify

The hart's-tongue fern is a very simple fern: the frond is a single, glossy, green blade, with orange spores underneath.

Devonshire Association The Botany Section was founded in 1908 to promote the study and enjoyment of Devon’s wild plants, including bryophytes (mosses), lichens and fungi.

Hart's Tongue Fern in Ladywell Lane, Chulmleigh (Photo: Grant Sherman)

Woodland Trust Hart's tongue fern is widespread in the UK, except in the far North. It's often featured on ancient-woodland-indicator plant lists as a species which can help identify old woodlands and ecological continuity. It is usually found in more base-rich soils, typically in ashwoods, and avoids the most acidic substrates.

Plantlife This evergreen plant has long, tongue shaped leaves with a pointy end.

The underside of the leaves have little marks reminiscent of centipedes legs, leading to the species name 'scolopendrium' (the Latin for centipede!)

Royal Horticultural Society Grows well in humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil. Bright mid-day sun can cause damage. May be sensitive to fungicides. Tolerant of dry shade but water regularly during the first season and mulch well

Wikipedia Asplenium scolopendrium, known as hart's-tongue or hart's-tongue fern (syn. Phyllitis scolopendrium) is an evergreen fern in the genus Asplenium, of the Northern Hemisphere.

The plants are unusual in being ferns with simple, undivided fronds. The tongue-shaped leaves have given rise to the common name "Hart's tongue fern"; a hart being an adult male red deer. The sori pattern is reminiscent of a centipede's legs, and scolopendrium is Latin for "centipede". The leaves are 10–60 cm long and 3–6 cm broad, with sori arranged in rows perpendicular to the rachis.



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